It's OK to ask for help.

What would you have done if your circumstances had left you homeless when you were in high school?

Depending on your life experience, it may be hard to imagine. The story of one client’s journey will give you a glimpse into the problem and what real change looks like.

One of our housing support specialists has been working with a high school-aged client since December 2023. Circumstances had left her homeless and facing nights with no safe place to sleep.

Thankfully, she opened up to a school liaison who specializes in working with homeless youth. That liaison knew the youth needed services right away and asked us to reach out.

We got to work immediately. We connected her to the Salvation Army shelter for Women and Children, giving her a place to stay for 46 days. During this time, one of IMPOWER’s housing support specialists worked with her to obtain identification (through IDignity), connect with Legal Aid, and navigate the arduous process of accessing benefits she qualified for, such as health insurance and food assistance.

Knowing the Salvation Army shelter was only a temporary housing solution, our specialist worked diligently to find a host home where she could stay for an extended period of time. (Host homes are similar to foster homes.)  There, she continues to receive services tailored to her needs and aspirations. We are thrilled to report that she was awarded a full scholarship to the Florida Institute of Technology and will be moving into college housing in August.

This story vividly illustrates the potential we each possess individually. She did not give up. She imagined a better future. And, most importantly, she asked for help – because it truly does take a village. IMPOWER’s services and those of our partners helped this youth change the trajectory of her life.

We are inspired by our clients. They are why we come to work every day. Please join us in our mission to change lives by helping individuals and families reach their full potential.

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