DATE:  November 15, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Marcie Dearth, 407-215-0095, ext. 211; AFP HONORS IMPOWER’s THE VILLAGE TRANSITIONAL HOUSING PROGRAM FOR “CREATING CHANGE” LONGWOOD, FL — On November 9, 2018, IMPOWER was honored at the 2018 Association of Fundraising Professionals’ (AFP’s) Central Florida Chapter’s “National Philanthropy Day Awards Ceremony & Breakfast” at The.. read more →

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Marcie Dearth, VP External Relations (407) 637-0374 THE GROVE COUNSELING CENTER AND IMPOWER JOIN FORCES TO BETTER SERVE COMMUNITY ORLANDO, FL. – (December 15, 2017) – After 45 years of focusing on mental health and substance abuse treatment, The Grove Counseling Center, located in Seminole County, and Central Florida-based IMPOWER, Inc… read more →

On November 1, IMPOWER was pleased to be honored at the 2017 AFP Central Florida Chapter National Philanthropy Day celebration. President/CEO Anna Baznik and Board Vice Chair Onchantho Am were called to the stage to accept IMPOWER’s recognition as a “Nemours Children’s Health System Social Entrepreneur & Innovation Award” honoree. The award confirms what we.. read more →

July 27, 2017 – Message from Anna Baznik, President/CEO: IMPOWER has been the pioneer in the State of Florida in the implementation of Behavioral Health Telehealth services) delivering well over 450 telehealth services per month.  We have now conducted more than 50,000 telehealth services! As part of our new Strategic Plan entitled, “Virtual Success,” we.. read more →